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Coaching is a method of supporting development, implemented in the form of a series of meetings between the coach and the client, during which the coach, through active listening, asking questions and using other specific development tools and tasks, accompanies the client in setting goals that are important to them, finding internal resources needed to achieve them and establishing and implementing action plans. The coach supports the client in discovering and effectively using their personal potential in order to improve the quality of life.


Family therapy is a form of therapy in which the entire family usually participates. In my work, I draw on the experience, achievements and assumptions of the famous family psychotherapist Virginia Satir, who believed that the family creates a certain system in which individual members are in mutual relations and interact with each other. The problems of one family member affect the entire family system, but the family system also affects the development of the disorder. Therefore, when resolving difficulties, very important "allies" and "experts" become family members, as well as other people close and important to the family.

Family therapy for all family members in a coaching approach is especially recommended:

• When individual members of the family experience difficulties in mutual contacts (eg conflicts break out over important and less important matters, it is impossible to make decisions together, it is difficult to understand each other's current needs and preferences and, as a result, there is a feeling of alienation, misunderstanding or lack of interest).

• When we feel that the problems of one family member strongly affect relationships with the others (e.g. illness or other external and internal problems of one person cause tension in the home, quarrels easily break out or depression prevails and no one talks to each other about what is happening).

• When the family experiences a life crisis (e.g. death or serious illness of a loved one, divorce, loss of job, etc.) and is unable to cope with the effects of the changes taking place.

• When we feel that relationships in the family contribute to the problems of one of its members or intensify them (e.g. when conflicts arise between parents and it soon turns out that the child is depressed, isolates himself from peers, runs away from home, plays truant or neglects school). • When the family experiences a life crisis (e.g. death or serious illness of someone close, divorce, loss of job, etc.) and cannot cope with the effects of the changes taking place.

• When someone in the family suffers from chronic diseases, which are known in medicine to have an emotional basis, often related to family relationships (so-called psychosomatic diseases are e.g. asthma, stomach or duodenal ulcers, hypertension). • When parents are concerned about their child's behavior (e.g. the child starts behaving "strangely", differently than before, or starts wetting the bed, stops eating, eats excessively sometimes and not at all sometimes).

• When parents are experiencing educational difficulties (e.g. the child is explosive, teachers complain about bad behavior at school). • When parents feel that they are losing contact with their child or that this contact is unsatisfactory and they would like to change it. The first meeting is a consultation, during which we make a decision together with the family about the advisability of starting coaching. If you are interested in this form of work on relationships in your family, call: 312 566 8026 or write an email:


When is couples therapy indicated?

• when a conflict arises in the relationship, which cannot be understood and resolved by the partners

• when partners strive to improve their relationships and better understand each other, and solve problems effectively

• when partners have negative experiences of their parents' failed relationships or their own previous relationships and want to prevent problems or solve those that already exist

• when partners, fearing the breakup of the relationship, want to prevent the growing difficulties and are interested in rebuilding the relationship

• when partners want to try to reach an agreement before making any decisions about the future of the relationship

• when the partners have already decided to separate but want to prevent tensions in the relationship for better functioning in the areas of raising children that connect them.

Crises in a couple's life can occur for various reasons, such as: pursuing a career and the associated lack of time, the desire to push through one's values and expectations towards the partner and the relationship, problems related to raising children. But most often, these are difficulties in communication. People cannot talk to each other and listen to each other. They cannot clearly define their needs and roles in the relationship or accept that each of us is different. Instead of allowing ourselves to pursue our own goals and develop, of course within reason, we try to change our partner by force and adapt them to ourselves. We lose respect for the needs and habits of the other person. Most often, couples miss the moment when their relationships begin to deteriorate. A crisis triggers strong emotions - anger, sadness, a sense of unfulfillment, rejection. Instead of deepening and strengthening the relationship, spouses begin to distance themselves from each other or fight each other. Often, a well-conducted conversation is enough to turn out that they really have a lot in common, they just cannot express it clearly.

When to go to marriage therapy?

When, after several attempts on your own, you are unable to resolve the crisis, it is worth using therapy. Meetings with a specialist will improve mutual communication, help you better understand each other, explain your behavior, reactions, emotions, and find compromises that are the basis of a lasting relationship.

Couples interested in marriage therapy can schedule a session by calling: 312 566 8026 or by email:


Become a Life Coach

Annual Program

Personal Development

If you want to move to the BETTER SIDE of your LIFE, the Polish-language, one-year PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM at Chicago's NLP LIFE COACHING SCHOOL is for you. Sign up today regardless of age, education, or immigration status: 312-566-8026.

The Yearly NLP Life Coaching Study is a great offer for Poles living in the Chicago metropolitan area. Convenient four-hour meetings from 6pm to 10pm every Wednesday at the Lake Shore Campus of Loyola University allow you to combine school with work, family life and other daily obligations. To learn more about the yearly school or to register for the next semester, click below:


Learning Life Coaching online, without having to leave home, gives Poles living on different continents the opportunity to gain professional skills that make them competitive on global job markets. The diplomas obtained at the end of education in our institute have international rank and allow you to work in professions that are currently booming in European countries, and especially in Poland, where the "coaching era" has come, which is starting to become a standard in companies or management.

To learn more about the online school, click on the link below:


In the offer of the Chicago coaching school, where I have been conducting classes since 2011, in addition to certified programs ending with obtaining diplomas or licenses, an important place is also occupied by free courses in the form of several-hour trainings and seminars. While the former provide the opportunity to obtain specific certificates legitimizing taking up work as a personal development trainer or professional use of NLP tools, open meetings at our Institute allow you to gain the knowledge needed to take the first step on the path of personal development.

To learn more about free meetings, seminars, workshops and webinars, click below:

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© 2024 by Anna Barauskas.

phone: 312-566-8026, 1325 W. Irving Park Rd. #302, Bensenville, IL

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