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Is a man's value determined by a prestigious job and a penis as big as a club?

Does an ideal partner have to have extraordinary interests and size D breasts?

What is the difference between a boy and a man?

These and many other questions regarding male-female relationships are answered in "A BOOK FOR BOYS" by its author - Anna Barauskas. A popular Chicago journalist and co-founder of the only Polish-language Life Coaching School in the USA, known among others for numerous lectures, trainings and media appearances in the field of psychology, this time she reached for the topic of partnership. Although her latest book is dedicated primarily to men, we encourage readers of both sexes to read it, because it tells about how to create a healthy and valuable relationship between two people. The title of the book is a bit misleading, because although it talks about boys and girls - the content of the publication is addressed only and exclusively to adults. The author makes a distinction between boys and men and girls and women not because of age but their level of maturity. In one of the chapters she says directly: "Boys and girls confuse falling in love with love. Men and women know that love is not a feeling, but a process in which we experience different emotions, reaching each other on the bumpy road that is life. Infatuation is merely a fascination that unfortunately quickly passes, revealing the true faces of lovers. Fading infatuation resembles removing the masks that tightly concealed ordinary human faces with their imperfections and changing moods. It is at this moment, which can be called the moment of truth, that mature love has a chance to be born. Love that is the acceptance of the fact that being with another person is more than romantic intimacy in moments of greatest passion."

The language, devoid of scientific terminology, understandable and sometimes even blunt, interesting descriptions and numerous examples of human behavior presented without unnecessary pathos make the book, after all from the field of psychology, easy and pleasant to read. As Anna Barauskas convinces: "A BOOK FOR BOYS is not a guide from the series 'ABC of a perfect seducer', but an inspiration for those men who want to grow up and build healthy relationships, thanks to which they will have a chance to spread their wings and become the best version of themselves. This is a book that is a compendium of knowledge for those who are able to accept the fact that in order to build a healthy relationship with a wise woman, you must first become a wise man yourself." We encourage both men and women to read the book, because as A. Barauskas explains in one of the chapters: "Every woman was once a girl. However, not every girl will become a woman. There are those who mature, drawing conclusions from life experiences and mistakes made, in order to be able to apply the knowledge gained in the current situation. But there are also those who think that they have been fully mature for a long time, and this belief unfortunately condemns them to remain emotional little girls forever. And although I still feel like just an adolescent girl, standing on the threshold of maturity, I know that just as every girl has a chance to transform into a woman, every puppy love can turn into a mature relationship. However, in addition to willingness, this also requires strength, self-determination, patience and humility consisting in wisely accepting what fate surprises us with. The ability to cope with difficulties, both in life and in partnership, is a necessary condition for being happy in a world where, in addition to the sun, there are also storms and hurricanes.

Enjoy reading.

BOOK FOR BOYS - Anna Barauskas

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    phone: 312-566-8026, 1325 W. Irving Park Rd. #302, Bensenville, IL

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